
Giving my body a rest while relaxing at the beach

My life has been crazy lately, in good and bad ways. I’ve confronted many challenges and felt like I’d reached my limit in certain areas. I even lost focus, forgetting to do things that make me happy and boost my confidence, such as playing sports. I also experienced moments…

Who gets to decide if I have to be careful or carefree?

I recently wondered why we who live with rare conditions often get told how to feel. I’ve experienced this instruction in many different situations. When strangers see me with my scars and bandages, many tell me, “Oh, no, it must be so awful living with your disease. Your life must…

As my baby grows up, I must learn to let go

My son Jonah turned 14 at the end of last month. To celebrate, he invited 10 (!) kids over to our house to hang out. They played basketball, darts, and pingpong and rode our go-kart. Except when they wanted food or cake, Jonah didn’t need me. I didn’t need to…