
What a Photo Shoot With Snakes Reminded Me About Skin

The skin is the body’s largest organ, with a total surface area of about 22 square feet. The skin protects us from microbes and the elements, helps regulate body temperature, and permits the sensations of touch, heat, and cold. In my case, my skin is “special.” I live with…

Witnessing God’s Goodness in the Suffering

Our son Jonah’s last day of sixth grade was last week. Like every kid, he brought home loads of papers, folders, and notebooks. And like every kid, he left the contents piled on the dining room table waiting for it to magically clean itself up. After three days,…

Choose Kindness When Faced With Differences

“Did a wolf attack your face?”  That’s what the preteen asked my son Jonah, who was born with junctional epidermolysis bullosa, when Jonah approached their group to play whiffle ball. It was between his brother’s Carolina Wolfpack baseball games. Jonah was…

Overcoming the Bad Days and Finding Joy

We have good days and bad days, and good weeks and bad weeks. Twelve years into our fight with epidermolysis bullosa, we’re pretty used to the ups and downs. But two weeks ago, we had one of our worst weeks ever.  It started on Tuesday…

I Want to See More Diversity in the Media

This month, I want more diversity. I want to see more reality in the media and in advertisements and commercials. Show us real people who have stretch marks, scars, and imperfections, because that’s normal. Normalize different body types I want society to normalize different body types and to stop body…

Our Global EB Community Continues to Inspire Me

This month, I was once again impressed by how well connected the epidermolysis bullosa (EB) community is. I remember when I was younger, no such connection existed on social media like we have today. Rare is many – but not always locally As EB is a rare disease, only a…

What ‘Rare’ Means to Me This Rare Disease Day

A few days ago, a friend working in healthcare communications asked: “What does rare mean for you?” It got me thinking. I answered: “Rare is something special, something unique. Something that doesn’t exist very often. But also, it’s something you should not forget about, something you shouldn’t oversee. Are we…