Fragile but Fierce – a Column by Patrice Williams

Patrice is mother to two boys: 8-year-old Gideon and 11-year-old Jonah, who was diagnosed at birth, in 2009, with junctional epidermolysis bullosa. She is married to her sort-of high school sweetheart, Matt. They live in North Carolina with their two smelly dogs. Patrice loves reading, spending time with family, and being outside. Her greatest talents are taking naps and eating tacos. She hopes this column will give hope to those living with epidermolysis bullosa and light to those who love them.

How We Began Educating Our Community About EB

There are days when Jonah, my 11-year-old son with epidermolysis bullosa, and I feel like educating folks about his condition. And there are days when we don’t. When he was younger, I would intercept the stares, block him with my body, and do the educating…

A Few of Our Favorite Things

Oprah recently released her Favorite Things 2020 list, and it got me thinking of my own favorites list. What are some of the things that have made our lives a bit easier amid the struggles? Our family has made several…

When EB Steals Your Cat

My mom got an adorable kitten last weekend. When I showed my boys the sweet picture she texted us, Jonah questioned me about our cat that we re-homed when he was little. (Photos courtesy of Patrice Williams) “Why did we get rid of…

Interview With the Butterfly, Part 2

Last in a series. Read part one.  I continued an interview this week with my son Jonah, who is 11 and was born with junctional epidermolysis bullosa (EB), after we both got a bit long-winded the last time we sat down to chat.

Interview With the Butterfly, Part 1

First in a series. My son Jonah was born with junctional epidermolysis bullosa in 2009. He is now 11 and in the sixth grade. I am honored to write this column about EB, but Jonah is the one we need to hear from. Being his mom is the greatest…

Focusing on the Manna for Today

Our son Jonah is 11 years old now and just began the sixth grade. It blows my mind to think that it has been 11 years since our journey with epidermolysis bullosa began. In some ways, it feels like it’s been much longer, and…